5.1. Spring
- 5.1.1. Basics of Spring Framework
- 5.1.2. Core Spring
- 5.1.3. Spring Boot
- 5.1.4. Spring MVC
- 5.1.5. Spring with REST API
- 5.1.6. Spring Data
- 5.1.7. Spring JDBC
- 5.1.8. Spring ORM or Spring Hibernate
- 5.1.9. Spring AOP
- 5.2.0. Spring Security
- 5.2.1. Spring Cloud
1. Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
This edition equips developers with tools for building powerful and adaptable enterprise applications. Jakarta EE provides a wide range of APIs and features specifically designed for tackling complex tasks like web services, handling distributed systems, and managing security. This makes it a favorite choice for creating large-scale applications in fields like online commerce, finance, and accounting.
1.1. Java Servlets
- Introduction to Java Servlets
- Steps to Create a Servlet
- Working of Servlet
- How to Create Servlet in MyEclipse IDE?
- Life Cycle of a Servlet
- Java Servlet Filter
- Servlet – CRUD
1.2. JSP (Java Server Pages)
- Introduction to JSP
- JSP Full form
- JSP Architecture
- Life cycle of JSP
- Difference between Servlet and JSP
- Difference between JSP and ASP
- Expression Language in JSP
1.3. Others
- Java Server Faces
- JSF Lifecycle – Execute and Render Stage
- Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
- Difference between Javabeans and Enterprise Javabeans
- Difference between EJB and Spring
- Distributed Objects in EJB(Enterprise Java Beans)
2. Multithreading
When we are talking about Advanced Java then Multithreading is a programming concept in Java that allows applications to execute multiple tasks concurrently. This means a Java program can handle several activities simultaneously, improving overall efficiency and responsiveness. Multithreading is particularly beneficial for tasks that don’t require immediate results, such as downloading files or performing calculations.
- Java Multithreading
- Using Thread Class
- Priorities in threads
- Lifecycle and Stages of a Thread
- Thread Priority in Java
- Main Thread in Java
3. Concurrency
Java Concurrency deals with the ability of Java programs to manage multiple tasks happening at the same time. This allows applications to work efficiently, especially when handling processes that require significant resources.
- Java Concurrency
- Executor
- ExecutorService
- Runnable interface in Java
- Callable and Future in Java
- Difference Between Callable and Runnable in Java
4. JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)
Java Database Connectivity, or JDBC for short, acts like a translator between Java programs and databases. This lets Java programs connect, ask for information (queries), change things (updates), and do other tasks with the data. Using JDBC makes it easier for programmers to work with databases in their Java applications.
- Introduction to Java JDBC
- JDBC Driver
- JDBC Connection
- Types of Statements in JDBC
5. Java Frameworks
Java frameworks are pre-built libraries offering a structured approach to developing Java applications. These frameworks act as a foundation, supplying commonly used functions and features like database access, user interface components, and security measures.
5.1. Spring
5.1.1. Basics of Spring Framework
- Introduction to Spring Framework
- Spring Framework Architecture
- 10 Reasons to Use Spring Framework in Projects
5.1.2. Core Spring
- Understanding Inversion of Control with Example
- Spring – BeanFactory
- Spring – ApplicationContext
- Spring – Difference Between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext
- Spring Dependency Injection with Example
- Spring – Difference Between Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
- Spring – Injecting Objects By Constructor Injection
- Spring – Setter Injection with Map
- Spring – Dependency Injection with Factory Method
- Spring – Dependency Injection by Setter Method
- Spring – Setter Injection with Non-String Map
- Spring – Constructor Injection with Non-String Map
- Spring – Constructor Injection with Map
- Spring – Setter Injection with Dependent Object
- Spring – Constructor Injection with Dependent Object
- Spring – Setter Injection with Collection
- Spring – Setter Injection with Non-String Collection
- Spring – Constructor Injection with Collection
- Spring – Injecting Objects by Setter Injection
- Spring – Injecting Literal Values By Setter Injection
- Spring – Injecting Literal Values By Constructor Injection
- Bean life cycle in Java Spring
- Custom Bean Scope in Spring
- How to Create a Spring Bean in 3 Different Ways?
- Spring – IoC Container
- Spring – Autowiring
- Singleton and Prototype Bean Scopes in Java Spring
- How to Configure Dispatcher Servlet in web.xml File?
- Spring – Configure Dispatcher Servlet in Three Different Ways
- How to Configure Dispatcher Servlet in Just Two Lines of Code in Spring?
- Spring – When to Use Factory Design Pattern Instead of Dependency Injection
- How to Create a Simple Spring Application?
5.1.3. Spring Boot
- Introduction to Spring Boot
- Best Way to Master Spring Boot – A Complete Roadmap
- How to Create a Spring Boot Project?
- How to Create a Spring Boot Project with IntelliJ IDEA?
- How to Run Your First Spring Boot Application in Spring Tool Suite?
- Spring Boot – Annotations
- Spring Boot – Architecture
- Spring Boot Actuator
- How to Make a Project Using Spring Boot, MySQL, Spring Data JPA, and Maven?
- Spring Boot – Introduction to RESTful Web Services
- How to create a basic application in Java Spring Boot
- How to create a REST API using Java Spring Boot
- Easiest Way to Create REST API using Spring Boot
- Java Spring Boot Microservices Sample Project
- Difference between Spring MVC and Spring Boot
- Spring Boot – Spring JDBC vs Spring Data JDBC
- Best Practices For Structuring Spring Boot Application
- Spring Boot – Start/Stop a Kafka Listener Dynamically
- How to Dockerize a spring boot application with maven
- Dynamic Dropdown From Database using Spring Boot
- Spring – RestTemplate
- Spring Boot – Scheduling
- Spring Boot – Sending Email via SMTP
- Different Ways to Establish Communication Between Spring Microservices
- JSON using Jackson in REST API Implementation with Spring Boot
- How to encrypt passwords in a Spring Boot project using Jasypt
- Containerizing Java applications | Creating a Spring Boot App using Dockerfile
- How to Send Images in Spring Boot without using Servlet and Redundant JSP Codes?
- How to Create Todo List API using Spring Boot and MySQL?
- Spring Boot – Transaction Management Using @Transactional Annotation
- Spring Boot – Map Entity to DTO using ModelMapper
- Message Compression in Apache Kafka using Spring Boot
- Spring Boot – Create and Configure Topics in Apache Kafka
- How to Test Spring Boot Project using ZeroCode?
- Validation in Spring Boot
- Spring Boot – Validation using Hibernate Validator
- How to Connect MongoDB with Spring Boot?
5.1.4. Spring MVC
- Introduction to Spring MVC
- Spring MVC using Java-based configuration
- ViewResolver in Spring MVC
- How to Create Your First Model in Spring MVC?
- How to Create Your First View in Spring MVC?
- Spring MVC CRUD with Example
- Create and Run Your First Spring MVC Controller in Eclipse/Spring Tool Suite
- What is Dispatcher Servlet in Spring?
- Spring – Shortcut to Create Dispatcher Servlet in Eclipse/Spring Tool Suite
- WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC
- Spring – Multi Action Controller with Example
- Spring MVC – Exception Handling
- Spring – How to Load Literal Values From Properties File
- Spring MVC – Multiple View Page
- Spring MVC – Custom Validation
- Difference Between ApplicationContext and WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC
- Difference Between @Component, @Repository, @Service, and @Controller Annotations in Spring
- Difference Between @Controller and @Service Annotation in Spring
- Difference Between @Controller and @RestController Annotation in Spring
- Spring MVC – RequestParam Annotation
- Query String and Query Parameter in Spring MVC
- How to Make Post Request in Java Spring?
- How to Make Delete Request in Spring?
- How to Make get() Method Request in Java Spring?
- Spring @RequestMapping Annotation with Example
- How to Capture Data using @RequestParam Annotation in Spring?
- Spring @ResponseBody Annotation with Example
- Spring MVC Project – Retrieving Population, Area and Region Details using Rest API
- Two-Way Data Binding in Spring MVC with Example
5.1.5. Spring with REST API
- Spring REST JSON Response
- Spring – REST XML Response
- Spring – REST Controller
- Spring MVC – Getting Cryptocurrency Details using REST API
- Spring MVC – Get Exchange Rate Values using REST API
- Spring Boot – Introduction to RESTful Web Services
- How to create a REST API using Java Spring Boot
- Easiest Way to Create REST API using Spring Boot
- JSON using Jackson in REST API Implementation with Spring Boot
- How to Make a Simple RestController in Spring Boot?
- Spring MVC Project – Retrieving Population, Area and Region Details using Rest API
- Spring Boot – Introduction to RESTful Web Services
- How to create a basic application in Java Spring Boot
- How to create a REST API using Java Spring Boot
- Easiest Way to Create REST API using Spring Boot
- Spring – RestTemplate
- JSON using Jackson in REST API Implementation with Spring Boot
- Spring Boot – REST Example
- How to Make a Simple RestController in Spring Boot?
- Difference Between @Controller and @RestController Annotation in Spring
5.1.6. Spring Data
- What is Spring Data JPA?
- JPA vs Hibernate
- Introduction to the Spring Data Framework
- How to access database using Spring Data JPA
- How to Make a Project Using Spring Boot, MySQL, Spring Data JPA, and Maven?
- Spring Boot – Integrating Hibernate and JPA
- Spring Boot JpaRepository with Example
- Spring Boot – Spring Data JPA
5.1.7. Spring JDBC
- Spring JDBC Template
- Spring JDBC Example
- Spring – SimpleJDBCTemplate with Example
- Spring – Prepared Statement JDBC Template
- Spring – NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
- Spring – Using SQL Scripts with Spring JDBC + JPA + HSQLDB
- Spring – ResultSetExtractor
5.1.8. Spring ORM or Spring Hibernate
- Spring Hibernate Configuration and Create a Table in the Database
- Hibernate Lifecycle
- JPA vs Hibernate
- Spring ORM Example using Hibernate
- Spring Boot – Validation using Hibernate Validator
- How to Create a Project Using Spring MVC and Hibernate 5?
- Hibernate – One-to-One Mapping
- Spring Boot – Integrating Hibernate and JPA
- Hibernate – Cache Eviction with Example
- Hibernate – Cache Expiration
- Hibernate – Enable and Implement First and Second Level Cache
- Hibernate – Save Images and Other Types of Values to the Database
- Hibernate – Pagination
- Hibernate – Different Cascade Types
- Hibernate Native SQL Query with Example
- Hibernate – Caching
- Hibernate – @Embeddable and @Embedded Annotation
- Hibernate – Eager/Lazy Loading
- Hibernate – get() and load() Method
- Hibernate Validator with Example
- CRUD Operations using Hibernate
- Hibernate Example without IDE
- Hibernate – Inheritance Mapping
- Automatic Table Creation Using Hibernate
5.1.9. Spring AOP
- Aspect-Oriented Programming and AOP in Spring Framework
- Spring Boot – AOP Around Advice
- Spring Boot – AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming)
- How to Implement AOP in Spring Boot Application?
- Spring AOP – Example (Spring1.2 Old Style AOP)
- Spring AOP – AspectJ Xml Configuration
- Spring AOP – AspectJ Annotation
- How to Implement AOP in Spring Boot Application?
- Spring Boot – AOP(Aspect Oriented Programming)
- Spring Boot – Cache Provider
- Spring Boot – AOP Around Advice
- Spring Boot – AOP After Advice
- Spring Boot – AOP Before Advice
5.2.0. Spring Security
- Introduction to Spring Security and its Features
- Some Important Terms in Spring Security
- OAuth2 Authentication with Spring and Github
- Spring Security at Method Level
- Spring Security JSP Tag Library
- Spring Security Form-Based Authentication
- Spring Security – Remember Me
- Authentication and Authorization in Spring Boot 3.0 with Spring Security
5.2.1. Spring Cloud
- What is Spring Cloud?
- How to Generate a New Spring Cloud Project in Spring Initializr?
- Spring Cloud – Tracing Services with Zipkin
- Spring Cloud AWS – EC2
- Spring Cloud Zookeeper
- Spring Cloud Netflix – Hystrix
- Spring Cloud Vs Spring Boot Actuator
- Why Use Spring Cloud for Microservices Development?
- Spring Cloud – Difference Between Client Side and Server Side Load Balancer
- Spring Cloud – Change Default Port of Eureka Server
- Spring Cloud – Client Side Load Balancing with Ribbon
- Spring Cloud – Create Your Custom Load Balancer
5.2. Struts Framework
- Introduction and Working of Struts Web Framework
- Struts 2 Features
- Hello World Example using Stuts2
- How to Create a Project using Spring and Struts 2?
- Working of Struts Web Framework
- Spring vs. Struts in Java
- Struts 2 File Upload Example
- Struts 2 Date Validation Example
- Struts 2 String Length Validation
- Struts 2 Email Validation
- Struts 2 double validation
- Struts 2 Custom Validation – Workflow Interceptor
6. Java Microservices
Java Microservices are a different way of building software with Java. Instead of one giant program, imagine many smaller tools working together. Each little tool has one specific job, and they all talk to each other to get the whole thing done. This makes the software easier to manage, update, and grow over time. Java, with its many helpful building blocks, is a popular choice for creating these microservices, allowing programmers to build strong and efficient applications.
- What is Microservice Architecture and Why to Use Them?
- 5 Major Challenges and Solutions of Microservices Architecture
- Why the World is Moving Towards Microservices Architecture?
- Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture
- 7 Major Reasons to Choose Spring Boot For Microservices Development
- Why Use Spring Cloud for Microservices Development?
- Different Ways to Establish Communication Between Spring Microservices
- How Eureka Server and Client Communicate with Each Other in Microservices?
- Java Spring Boot Microservices – Develop API Gateway Using Spring Cloud Gateway
- Spring Boot Microservices Communication using FeignClient with Example
- Java Spring Boot Microservices – Integration of Eureka and Spring Cloud Gateway
- Spring Boot Microservices Communication using WebClient with Example
- Service Discovery and Service Registry in Microservices
- Create a Backend Task Management System using Microservices
- What is Feign Client in Microservices?
7. JUnit
JUnit is a popular testing framework specifically designed for Java applications. Think of it as a tool that helps programmers check their Java code for errors. JUnit allows developers to write small test cases that simulate how the code will be used. By running these tests, programmers can identify problems early in the development process, ensuring their Java programs function correctly and reliably.
- Introduction to JUnit 5
- JUnit 5 vs JUnit 4
- How to Write Test Cases in Java Application using Mockito and Junit?
- Unit Testing in Spring Boot Project using Mockito and Junit
- JUnit 5 @BeforeAll Annotation with Examples
- JUnit – Test HTTPClient using Maven Project
- JUnit – Writing Sample Test Cases for StudentService in Java
- Test Driven Development using JUnit5 and Mockito
- JUnit – Sample Maven Project With JDBC
- JUnit – Sample Test Cases for String Java Service
- JUnit Testing For MySQL Project in Java
- JUnit 5 – JaCoCo Code Coverage
- JUnit 5 – Test Suites with Example
- JUnit 5 – @AfterEach
- JUnit 5 – @AfterAll Annotation with Example
- JUnit 5 – Eclipse Test Templates
- JUnit 5 – @Tag
- JUnit 5 – @RepeatedTest
This advanced Java tutorial provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to elevate your programming expertise in Java. Dive deeper into advanced concepts, refine your coding techniques, and unlock new possibilities in Java development.
Advanced Java Tutorial – FAQ
What advanced Java topics are covered in the tutorial?
The advanced Java tutorial covers topics such as multithreading, networking, database connectivity, Java server pages (JSP), servlets, JavaBeans, and advanced data structures and algorithms.
Is this tutorial suitable for beginners?
No, this tutorial is designed for individuals who already have a strong understanding of core Java concepts and are looking to advance their skills in Java programming.
Are there any prerequisites for this tutorial?
Yes, participants are expected to have a solid foundation in basic Java programming, object-oriented programming principles, and familiarity with Java development tools and environments.
What are the key benefits of completing the advanced Java tutorial?
By completing the advanced Java tutorial, participants will deepen their understanding of advanced Java concepts, enhance their programming capabilities, and be better prepared for developing complex Java applications and systems.
Does the tutorial include hands-on exercises and projects?
Yes, the tutorial provides hands-on exercises and projects to reinforce learning and practical application of advanced Java concepts and techniques.