Get Directions in Spanish

¡Hola! Learn how to get directions! Specifically, learn how to do the following in Spanish:

• get and give directions

• talk about locations

Vocabulary for Getting Directions

Take a look at the vocab you learn in these lessons!

a la derecha a la izquierda adelante al final de la calle cerca derecho desde este hasta lejos mapa norte oeste sur en la esquina todo recto ¿Dónde está el parque? - Está en la esquina . Where is the park? - It's on the corner. ¿Está cerca tu casa? - No, está lejos . Is your house nearby? - No, it's far away.


You learn the following verbs in these lessons!


Cruzar is a regular -ar verb that means to cross.

cruzo cruzas cruzás cruza cruza cruzamos cruzáis cruzan cruzan


Seguir is a stem-changing verb that means to continue or to keep going. Its "stem," se , changes to si in all forms except for the vos , nosotros/nosotras , and vosotros/vosotras forms.

s i go s i gues s e guís s i gue s i gue s e guimos s e guís s i guen s i guen

Hay : There Is/Are

In these lessons, you also learn to use hay to talk about what there is or there are in a place. Hay is a conjugation of the verb haber that is most commonly used as an impersonal verb to state what exists or to express general obligations, as in hay que , which you learn in previous lessons.

When using haber as an impersonal verb, only the third person singular form ( hay ) is used, regardless of whether you are talking about a singular noun (e.g., parque ) or a plural noun (e.g., parques ).
