Officials: Information

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2022 Training Dates

Calgary Minor Basketball is unique in that we hire in house trained Officials for all of our CMBA League Games. Throughout the year we work hard to train, develop, and encourage our Officials; from our Rookies to our Seniors.

We encourage constant growth for all of our Officials, through CMBA Tournaments (Jessica Thiedemann - Rookies/Juniors and Senior Officials Tournament - Seniors) as well as in class and on court training sessions throughout the season.

If you are not receiving CMBA emails from Stripes, please send a request to

Fellow CMBA Officials,

If you are new to our organization or have been a member for years, we believe it's important for everyone to be aware and/or reminded of crucial information.

If you are coming from a different organization please email with the organization you are coming from, years of experience, and what level of basketball you have officiated.

We take our training very serious, that includes, clinics, exams, training tournaments (JTT, SOTT 1 and SOTT 2). Your participation in the events is critical. This is one of our few opportunities to make a connection with you and pass on the knowledge, rules and modifications that the CMBA organization requests. You are expected to check the CMBA RAMP website regularly and read thoroughly all the emails sent to you. It's imperative that when requested, you register for events. For example the online registration for clinics. We use the information from the registration to update our master list, email list, payroll, mentoring and evaluations, among other purposes. Our training committee works diligently prior to the clinics in organizing groups, clinic activities, etc. If you choose not to show, or show up when we don't expect you, it shows disrespect to our organization and the people who are working hard to provide you with a valuable learning experience. You must remember that you chose to apply for this job. This is a part time job that pays well in that it also provides opportunity for personal development, which other jobs cannot provide. It is your responsibility to attend training, be on time for the games you are assigned, and participate positively and professionally always.

We are a unique organization; one of the only basketball programs in CANADA that develops Officials through annual training. This continues with ongoing mentoring, evaluation and support, performed within our own organization. To keep making positive strides in our development as a team, a commitment is required from all. Individual officials can do their part; be prepared for your game assignments, work as a team on and off the court, and represent our organization in a professional manner.

We continually strive to improve our communication, methods and techniques. All officials are encouraged to join the committee to assist us in moving forward in a positive direction.

T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore!

Throughout the year we work hard to train, develop, and encourage our Officials; from our Rookies to our Seniors.

We encourage constant growth for all of our Officials, through CMBA Tournaments (Jessica Thiedemann - Rookies/Juniors and Senior Officials Tournament - Seniors) as well as in class and on court training sessions throughout the season.

If you are not receiving CMBA emails from Stripes, please send a request to